What Do Bears, Badgers, Eagles and Tigers Have to Do with Meditation?

I was scouring through my files in preparation for "The Wondering Mind" newsletter about ESP, meditation, and shamanism when I came upon the following notes, hastily sketched after a silent, group meditation on a summer's night in 1991.  I had received the images and understandings that night, prior to any of the events that later unfolded. This information came...

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ESP Every Day

ESP every day. How do you enhance your ESP?  It happens to you.  For some reason, out-of-the-blue, thoughts about a person you know pop into your head.  The phone rings.  Surprise!  The person about whom you were thinking is calling you.  Or, you're in the kitchen humming a song.  You turn on the radio and that same song is playing. Or perhaps you're driving your car, hurtling along toward a blind corner, when suddenly you get a sense of danger and

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