Everything Is Light

Everything Is Light.

About thirty years ago, I had a life-changing experience.   One night while I was sleeping I became conscious that I was floating above my body while I was in bed still sleeping.  Instantly, I knew that ‘the real me’ was not sleeping.  I was awake and conscious.   My mind, my consciousness, my astral body was floating above my sleeping physical body.  In wonder, I looked around my bedroom and observed that every single item in my room was pulsating with light; the lamps, the chair, the carpet, the walls, the bureaus, socks on the floor, everything.  Everything shimmered with an aliveness of inner light.

I was astonished.  I raised my left hand up so that I could look at it and saw that I was a being, a form, of pulsating, shimmering light. As I observed my light form, I clearly heard a voice say, “You are light.  Everything is light.  There is nothing to fear when you can fall to the sky.”  I understood the meaning of that cryptic message as it related to my light form, the essence of me that was able to rise up out of my sleeping bod— to ‘fall to the sky.’ I understood ‘there is nothing to fear’, that I was, I am, a conscious living being of light within a conscious universal light.

Still floating and dazzled as I was by the brilliance of the light of my raised ‘hand’, the light of the objects around me, and the voice, I was stunned when suddenly a brilliant light swept into the room and merged with me, filling me, surrounding me with what I can only describe as pure ecstatic love.  I have no words to adequately describe the sense of peace, well-being, acceptance, and pure love that I experienced in the presence of that Being of Light that I found myself immersed within.  It was pure rapture that I wanted never to end. 

But, of course, it did end.  Eventually, I woke up, looked around and observed the objects in my room and myself.  Everything looked as it always had in ordinary reality. I remembered that I had been so amazed at the shimmering light of my astral body and all the objects in the room.  I remembered thinking that comparing my shimmering light with the brilliance, the blinding luminosity, of the Being of Light that swept in was like comparing a 25-watt bulb with the sun.  That being said, in no way did I feel diminished.  I felt blessed. I had been shown a part of the mystery, the beauty, of conscious aliveness. 

That experience has helped sustain me through the trials and tribulations and the joys and accomplishments of everyday living. I know that I am so much more.  I know that we are all so much more.  I know that we are all part of a universal loving light. I share this story in the hope that someone might be inspired, or comforted, or even just relieved.  

Words are powerful.  Images are also powerful. My desire in each painting that I produce is to capture that essence of light that I observed, to portray the brilliance, the shimmering light of all. I have played with various art media and like all of them for different reasons, but I found that for me, for now, the medium of choice is digital art that is allowing me to play with light in fascinating ways.  I have only begun to play with digital art in the past few weeks.  I have a lot to learn about how to paint with it, but I intend to immerse myself in bringing light into my paintings in the hope of bringing more light and joy into this not-so-ordinary world in which we live.  I invite you to stay tuned.